Thank you for your interest in Megan and her experience in Costa Rica. In short I think it was one of the best adventures and growth experiences she has had in her life. It has been a few years now so I may not remember the details as well as you might hope in order to provide a lot of specifics. I can tell you though Megan still, to this day, talks about her time there and the people she met.
Megan has been fortunate to have travelled to a lot of places already in her life and Costa Rica made a big impact on her view of the world. It was a lot more than just an adventure to save turtles. Although I know that was a major part of the program I think the thing that made the biggest impact was her time in the village school with the local children. I know for a fact that her experience there made her aware of how lucky she was to be born in the United States into a family that could offer her all the opportunities she has been given.
After she returned I believe she was even more committed to getting a good education and finding a place in our society where she could be productive and help give back to the community. She has now completed her bachelor degree program at Hofstra University and gotten a job in her chosen field. Just a few days ago we were speaking and she is already thinking about the next step and where she may want to work next. She said she is looking to get a position where she can help other people.
I would strongly encourage any parent to not only let their child participate in your program but encourage their child do so. Yes it can be a scary thought to have your loved go to an area you’re not familiar with and stay with people you and they don’t know, but that are what makes the experience so important. It lets your child have one of a kind growth experience in a safe environment. They get to see the world and experience some real work. Too many children in
America now have an overly protected life style and don’t understand the “outside world”. I would like to thank you for offering this program and giving my daughter the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful adventure. It is something she will carry with her all of her life.
Thank you,
David Brown