Upon my arrival in Costa Rica my senses were overwhelmed with the breath taking scenery, the smells of exhaust in the city, and the hustle and bustle of the locals. After just three days now, there is just so much to absorb. I found myself learning […]
After spending two weeks teaching the children at the school in Siem Reap I am confident that they will go far. They have such a willingness to learn and appreciate any knowledge that people pass on to them. I saw this every day that I was […]
A reflection? If there’s one thing I can naturally do, it’s to look back and reflect on the wondrous experiences I’ve had during the last nineteen days. Adventure- an idea I was only able to dream for in the past- has finally become reality. I’m constantly […]
Thanks to being sheltered for most of my life by my mom and my attachment to her due to the path life put us on, this trip in general was a big step out of my comfort zone. Throughout my whole life it has always been […]
I have been told more than once during my initial days in Cambodia that no plans or schedules within this country are ever certain or confirmed. That things can change from one hour to the next and that you just have to go with it. Our […]
It feels like only three days ago I that I didn’t even know any of these people and now I can call them my best friends. Since the beginning of this trip we have experienced so much together, and through all the fun activities and the […]